The Suriname Guilder (SRG) is obsolete. It was replaced with the Suriname Dollar (SRD) on January 1, 2004.
One SRD is equivalent to 1000 SRG.

Status (SNT) and Suriname Dollar (SRD) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator

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This Status and Suriname Guilder convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 12, 2025.

Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Status. Use "Swap currencies" to make Suriname Guilder the default currency. Click on Suriname Guilders or Statuses to convert between that currency and all other currencies.

The Status is the currency in no countries. The Suriname Guilder is the currency in Suriname (SR, SUR). The Suriname Guilder is also known as the Suriname Gulden. The symbol for SNT can be written SNT. The exchange rate for the Status was last updated on May 26, 2024 from The exchange rate for the Suriname Guilder was last updated on May 3, 2023 from Yahoo Finance. The SNT conversion factor has 15 significant digits. The SRG conversion factor has 5 significant digits.

20.000 27,535
50.000 68,830
100.000 137,665
200.000 275,330
500.000 688,320
1000.000 1,376,640
2000.000 2,753,280
5000.000 6,883,195
10,000.000 13,766,390
20,000.000 27,532,780
50,000.000 68,831,945
100,000.000 137,663,890
200,000.000 275,327,785
500,000.000 688,319,460
1,000,000.000 1,376,638,925
2,000,000.000 2,753,277,850
5,000,000.000 6,883,194,620
SNT rate
May 26, 2024
20,000 14.528
50,000 36.320
100,000 72.641
200,000 145.281
500,000 363.203
1,000,000 726.407
2,000,000 1452.814
5,000,000 3632.034
10,000,000 7264.069
20,000,000 14,528.138
50,000,000 36,320.345
100,000,000 72,640.689
200,000,000 145,281.378
500,000,000 363,203.445
1,000,000,000 726,406.890
2,000,000,000 1,452,813.781
5,000,000,000 3,632,034.452
SRG rate
May 3, 2023

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